2023 Summer Teacher Institute

Monday, June 26–Wednesday, June 28

10 am–3 pm

Expanding Literacies, Extending Classrooms

This year’s Summer Teacher Institute, offered by the Yale Center for British Art (YCBA), will focus on visual literacy strategies for the classroom and art museum visits. It will demonstrate a multimodal platform that provides all learners (at all reading and writing levels) a space to grow, explore, and innovate. Participants will observe, write, and sketch in response to works of art from several different cultures. We will visit a conservation lab for a behind-the-scenes look at the extraordinary work performed by Yale’s conservators; learn more about what conservation can tell us about art objects and their history; and discuss the philosophical questions behind this work.

This year’s program will take place at Yale’s West Campus in West Haven, CT, a fifteen-minute drive from the YCBA (currently closed for renovation). Parking is free. Lunch and per diem will be provided.

As space is limited, we will be able to accept no more than twelve participants for this year’s institute. Participants must be currently working as teachers.

Please note that the deadline has passed for the Summer Teacher Institute 2023. Stay tuned for more information about our upcoming programs. 

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Shared Conservation Lab at the Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Yale West Campus, photo by Jon Atherton