The Reference Library will be open between March 18 and March 28 with the following hours: Tuesday through Friday, 10 am to 4:30 pm.
Please email to make an appointment.
Reference Library
The Reference Library collections house more than 40,000 titles and 120 current periodicals devoted to British art, artists, and culture from the fifteenth century to the present.
The collections include all of the essential reference works on British artists and also contain resources on British architecture, print and book culture, performing arts, costume, town and county histories, and travel books. The Reference Library maintains a growing and vital collection of art conservation and technical analysis materials as well.
Photograph Archives
The Photograph Archives, located within the Reference Library, is a study collection of almost 150,000 photographic reproductions of British works of art from the sixteenth to the early twentieth century. The archives represents both public and private collections worldwide with a particular focus on collections in the United States, Canada, and Australia.
The Reference Library’s holdings, exclusive of the Photograph Archives, can be searched online either independently or in conjunction with the Center’s art and rare books collections, as well as through Orbis, Yale Library’s online catalogue.
Explore the YCBA’s Collections
Contact the Reference Library and Photograph Archives at | +1 203 432 2818 | +1 203 432 7180 fax