The Yale Center for British Art offers a number of opportunities for undergraduate students through postdoctoral researchers to become involved in its programs.
Bartels Art Museum Summer and Academic-Year Internships
The Yale Center for British Art offers summer and academic-year internships for Yale undergraduates and summer internships for HBCU undergraduates from New Haven County. These opportunities aim to familiarize students with the operations of the museum.
Visitors in the Library Court, Yale Center for British Art, photo by Stephanie Anestis
Graduate Museum Fellowships
These research positions are open to Yale graduate students. Graduate Museum Fellowships enhance the educational experiences provided by academic coursework and teaching assistantships at the university, allowing students to extend their range of academic specializations and expertise. Graduate Museum Fellows augment their research skills through direct contact with objects in the collections.
Study Room, Yale Center for British Art, photo by Harold Shapiro
Henry Moore Foundation Residency
The Henry Moore Foundation (HMF) and the Yale Center for British Art (YCBA) annually award a monthlong residency to a current MFA student or recent MFA graduate of the Yale School of Art with an interest in Henry Moore’s art and life.
View of Henry Moore, "Large Upright Internal/External Form," 1981-82, © Reproduced by permission of the Henry Moore Foundation, photo: Jonty Wilde
Yale in London
Yale in London is an exciting opportunity for Yale University undergraduates to live and study in London during the spring term or the summer break while earning full credits. The program is hosted by Yale’s Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art (PMC)—a world-class research center in central London. Courses change each term and include topics in historic and contemporary British art, architecture, literature, and drama.
Runnymede Memorial, Session One, summer 2018, photo by Nermin Adbulla, courtesy of the Paul Mellon Centre
Yale/New Haven Museum Postgraduate Associate in Museum Education
The Yale Center for British Art (YCBA), the New Haven Museum (NHM), and the Yale Peabody Museum (YPM) invite applicants for a two-year Postgraduate Associate position in the field of museum education, starting summer 2023. This position is open to New Haven Promise scholars interested in exploring a career in this field.
Community Day, photo by Harold Shapiro