AHRC IPS Scholar Awards are open to doctoral students and early career researchers funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council.
The International Placement Scheme (IPS) is open to early career researchers, research assistants, and doctoral students funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). Doctoral students must be in receipt of AHRC funding from the time of application and for the duration of their proposed IPS research. An early career researcher (ECR) is defined as a researcher who is either (1) within eight years of the award of their PhD or equivalent professional training or (2) within six years of their first academic appointment. ECRs are required to have a contract of employment with an AHRC-approved research organization from the time of application and for the duration of their proposed IPS award. ECRs must hold, or have previously held, AHRC funding, including postgraduate funding, or have formally worked (or be currently working) as a researcher on an AHRC-funded research project.
Applications must be made directly to the AHRC. The proposed research must be in a discipline, which may include history, history of art, literature, or other field, that relates to British art. For doctoral students, the proposal must be relevant to their current AHRC research.
Award Period
Awards may be held between three to six consecutive months.
Travel and Accommodation
IPS Scholars will receive from the AHRC a contribution toward their travel costs and will have their visa costs paid, plus a monthly allowance (in addition to their normal stipend paid as part of any existing AHRC award). The Yale Center for British Art will help advise IPS scholars on finding local accommodation. Recipients are required to be in residence in New Haven for the duration of their award and must be free of all other significant professional responsibilities during their stay.
Applicants should visit the AHRC IPS website for more information and complete the online application via the RCUK Je-S system.
For further information, please contact the Research department at ycba.visitingscholars@yale.edu | +1 203 432 2824.