Access Program

Exploring-art-ism: A Program for Children with Sensory Processing Differences and Their Families

Free admission

Join Yale Center for British Art educators to explore works of art, practice social skills, and have fun!

About this program

Explore the galleries with a sketchbook and art kit. No registration required. 

About “Exploring-art-ism”

“Exploring-art-ism” is a free program for children five to twelve years of age with sensory processing differences and their families and caregivers. Join YCBA educators for a welcoming, engaging, and inclusive learning experience in the museum. Participants have opportunities to socialize and sustain focus by exploring works of art and no-fail follow-up activities. A quiet space with sensory toys is available.   

“Exploring-art-ism” is facilitated by the YCBA education department in consultation with the Yale Child Study Center

Top image
Photo by Bailey Bruce