Kierstin Turnbull

Kierstin Turnbull, Aporia, 2021

Kierstin Turnbull, Growth, 2021
Artist Statement
My artistic journey started with painting, but as I explored my ideas and continued to practice, I began to understand what it was that I was trying to represent. In the words of Henri Cartier-Bresson, photographs capture the decisive moment. When making a painting, the artist creates the perspective, the emotion, the lighting, and the shadows. However, with photography there is no need to imitate or echo such a scene. Through photography I have a deep attachment and direct relationship to the subject, whether it is a landscape or a portrait. My works are an investigation into the decisive moment and how an image can represent life in constant flow, if only for a fraction of a second.
—Kierstin Turnbull, Cooperative Arts and Humanities High School

Kierstin Turnbull, Self-portrait, 2021