School and Group Tours

School and youth groups are invited to register for educator-led or self-guided visits. All educator-led visits for school groups at the Yale Center for British Art involve conversation and other modes of inquiry. While some visits are designed with specific curriculum connections in mind, other themes focus on the development of visual literacy. On all school visits, through conversations with educators, students will: 

  • Enhance their observational skills.
  • Develop descriptive vocabulary.
  • Engage creatively with works of art.
  • Make connections between prior knowledge and new experiences.
  • Develop conclusions and support those conclusions using visual evidence.
  • Construct meaning from works of art.
  • Understand the value of visual objects as sources of information.

It is our goal to provide each student with a positive museum and learning experience. 

Scheduling a Visit

Visits are conducted Tuesday through Friday‚ 10 am to 4 pm and typically run for one hour.  

All groups must register at least two weeks in advance: scheduling is contingent on staff availability and gallery capacity.

Upon submitting a registration form, an automatic reply will be sent to the email you have provided. This does not guarantee your registration. Our staff will contact you regarding your visit within 72 hours of receiving your request. You may check on the status of or change your registration by emailing

Register Now

Tour Guidelines

Group Size 
Our museum can accommodate groups of up to 90 students. 

Each group of 15 students must be accompanied by at least one adult chaperone. 

Admission and all visits are free.

To cancel a visit, please email or call 203.432.7192. If you are canceling on the day of your tour, please also call the Front Desk at 203.432.8678 as soon as possible.

Late Arrivals
Please be prompt. Groups that arrive late may receive a condensed visit due to scheduling limitations. If a group arrives more than a half-hour late, a guided tour may no longer be available.

Creating a Visit that Fits Your Group’s Needs

The Education department staff and docents are dedicated to providing the best learning experience possible for all school visitors. All tour topics for school groups are available to all students and can be adapted to meet the needs of each class. Each lesson incorporates a variety of learning strategies, such as multi-sensory experiences, movement and sound activities, storytelling, and sketching. If you would like to ensure that a particular type of learning strategy or activity is incorporated into your lesson, please let us know when scheduling your visit. 

Click here for more information about accessibility at the museum.

Possible Tour Themes
The following possible tour themes are appropriate for students of all ages and will be tailored to fit the needs and curriculum of your group. If you would like to suggest a topic that you do not see covered below, we will do our best to accommodate your request.

Learn more

Self-Guided Group Visits

Groups may decide to visit the YCBA on their own without an educator-led tour. To avoid conflicts with scheduled tours and classes‚ please email: or call 203.432.7192 two weeks in advance to register. Chaperones must accompany students at all times. Please note that YCBA docents have priority in the galleries.

Visiting the Museum

Getting Here

The YCBA is located at 1080 Chapel Street, New Haven, between High and York Streets. The main entrance is on the southwest corner of Chapel and High Streets.


Busses can drop students off at the corner of Chapel and High Street. 

The YCBA does not have dining facilities. A variety of restaurants are within short walking distance from the museum.

Museum Guidelines

  • Please share examples of good museum behavior with your class before you visit.
  • The most important rule is to not touch the art: Even the touch of a fingertip can damage art and leave dirt and oil behind.
  • We encourage you to remind your students to use their “indoor voice” out of respect for other visitors.
  • Security staff will be present in the galleries to make sure the artwork and visitors stay safe. Please be respectful if they ask you or your students to move back from the artwork.
  • Food, beverages, and chewing gum are prohibited in the galleries. 

Yale University Art Gallery

The Yale Center for British Art and the Yale University Art Gallery are in close proximity to each other. If you plan on scheduling visits at both museums, we ask that you consider your possible visit dates well in advance, as there is a limit to the size of groups that can be accommodated in both museums.