Art in Context | Cataloging Conundrums

Art in Context

April 4, 2023

During his nine-month residency as the 2022–23 Nadia Sophie Seiler Rare Materials Resident, Julian Lee has cataloged numerous objects in the collection of the Yale Center for British Art. In this talk, he will discuss a few examples that have posed challenges to this process, including a series of wood printing blocks by Thomas Bewick (1753–1828), a hand-colored panorama of the Rhine, and a 1520 edition of the chronicles of England.

About Julien Lee

Julian Lee received his master of science in library science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He also holds a BA in communication arts from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. 

Lee is the 2022–23 Nadia Sophie Seiler Rare Materials Resident in the department of Rare Books and Manuscripts at the Yale Center for British Art. The Nadia Sophie Seiler Rare Materials Residency is a nine-month term-limited position that provides library professionals with substantive exposure to rare materials cataloging. The residency is made possible by the Nadia Sophie Seiler Memorial Fund, established in memory of Nadia Sophie Seiler’s passion for books and libraries, with a goal of encouraging similar enthusiasm and expertise in the next generation of special collections librarians.