1710 [approximate date]
James, Lord Cavendish, and his wife, Anne Yale, move to Staveley Hall, Derbyshire (then called Staley Park).
The invention of Prussian Blue in Berlin is announced in Miscellanea Berolinensia.
Elihu Yale acquires a house in Queen Square, London, two more houses in Southampton Row nearby, and a smaller third house in Brunswick Row. He begins furnishing his London houses, where he will be domiciled to the end of his life.
Courts rule that Elihu Yale’s stepsons (Catherine Yale’s sons from her first marriage to Joseph Hynmers) Richard, Joseph, and Benjamin Hynmers (d. 1743) are owed £8765 18s. 10d. from the estate of their father.
On May 22, a letter from Jeremiah Dummer (1681–1739) to Reverend James Pierpont (1659–1714) of New Haven, Connecticut, reports that Elihu Yale seeks to send for “a relation of his from Connecticut to make him his heir, having no son.” Dummer was instrumental in finding financial support in London for Pierpont, who was a founding trustee of the fledgling Collegiate School of Connecticut (later Yale University). This begins hope of encouraging a gift from Elihu Yale for the college.
William Cavendish (1711–1751), son of Anne Yale and James, Lord Cavendish, is born at Staveley, Derbyshire.
Elihu Yale’s cousin, John Yale of New Haven, Connecticut, dies in early December. It is his son David who becomes Elihu Yale’s adopted heir.
Charles Yale, son of Hieronima da Pavia and Elihu Yale, dies. He is buried in Cape Town, South Africa.
Elizabeth Cavendish (1712–1779), daughter of Anne Yale and James, Lord Cavendish, is born on November 5.
Elihu Yale donates 32 books to the Collegiate School of Connecticut (later Yale University).
Mary North (1715–1770), daughter of Catherine Yale and Dudley North, is born.
Catherine Yale, wife of Dudley North, dies.
The portrait painter Enoch Seeman (ca. 1694–1744) paints a portrait of Elihu Yale, which is signed and dated. The Latin inscription reads: “Born in New England 1649.”