Prince Davenport

photo of an exterior of a building

Prince Davenport, Juxtaposing Reflections, 2023

photo of a wooded pathway

Prince Davenport, Walking into Blue, 2023

Artist Statement

The art of photography allows me to document and preserve memories in everything I do—music, education, relationships, and beyond. Properly capturing an image at a moment in time is a commitment to embodiment, to being able to fully focus and stay still. The practice of capturing a crisp, clear image is a staple of determination. When the image is finally and properly captured, reflecting on it gives me a sense of relief.

I enjoy shooting an array of things, including people, buildings, art, and nature. Most of my work involves capturing elements of surprise. In my black-and-white photography, I like to create unique work through exposing different highlights, or capturing different shades so my audience can always gravitate to something new. In my color work, I like to produce highly saturated images that pop to attract the viewer's eyes. The high saturation gives my photography a sense of energy, which creates a relationship between me as the artist and the audience as the viewers. Through capturing images, I have become aware of how distinct and precise my surroundings are. It is a view of a specific time and memory no one else can experience. It has created this newfound idea to me: anything that your eye can see, a camera lens can capture.

—Prince Davenport, Highville Charter School ’24

black and white photo of a face

Prince Davenport, Self-Portrait, 2023

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